Sombokjob offers HR Compliance Consolatory to all kind of Business, individuals and NGOs in Cambodia. We are good choice to be your partner to consult your Labor Law, tax both local and international. We are corporate with some Networks, Government and much more with dedicated expertise team to solve your problem and requirements. We provide the following service such as the following:
- Work Permit, Quota and Medical Check-up
- NSSF Registration for New Business & NGO
- Declaration for NSSF Contribution
- Declaration for Staff Movement In/Out
- Declaration for Staff Overtime
- Work Book and Medial Check-up
- Tax on Salary
- Employment Agreement and Other Benefits
- Other HR Compliance Servicek
Sombokjob provide the online job advertising service for all kind of Business and NGOs If you want to post a job on our popular website, please kindly post directly into our website by create a username or send the details to email address and also please include where possible,:
- The details of your organization or company.
- The description about the vacancy
- Salary Rang
- The requirements for the position
- The preferred requirements for the position
- The closing date
- Details/instructions on how to apply
- Your full contact details
- If you can also supply the details written in the Khmer language using KHMER UNICODE it would also be appreciated.
Sombokjob provide the Payroll & Tax on Salary Service for your Business & NGOs through our processing system as below:
- To facilitate the employers for Payroll processing through by Bank transfer or Microfinance Institution.
- To sure that your employees receive their salaries through direct Bank deposits.
- This confidential Payroll system is provides the regular statements and Tax on Salary preparations for monthly Tax declaration.
- To provide the regular Accounting Report and employee's Payslip.
- To provide the Payroll denominations incase of Salary is directly paid by Cash.
Sombokjob provide the online Banner advertising service through by job advertising for all kind of Business and NGOs If you want to advertise on our popular website, please kindly send the details to email address [email protected] and also please include the information as below;:
- Place of Banner Advertising
- Duration of Banner Advertising
- Size of Banner Adverting
- Others